Friday, January 31, 2014

Welcome to The Polka-Dot Paintbrush!! - Heather & Crystal

We'll, here it is!  The very first post on The Polka-Dot Paintbrush!  Please follow us, like us, recommend us, and visit often!  We'll try our best to make it fun and interesting!!  Check back often to see our latest projects, successes, and, yes, even the crafting catastrophes...let the fun begin!

                                              A Few Things from This Christmas (2013)
                                         Chalkboard sign made for Crystal's parents (Mr. & Mrs. Claus, lol).

12 x 12 canvas by Crystal

12 x 12 from Baby's footprint by Crystal

Super-cute plates by Heather!  Don't ya just love em?!  

Doesn't this reindeer just look so happy!!


Misc...Sometimes you just want to paint something! 
Peace out!
9 x 12

9 x 12

9 x 12

9 x 12

8 x 10

8 x 10

Made these 3 several years ago for my daughters' beach-themed room 

Christmas 2013

More Christmas 2013...
Just for fun!  12 x 12

12 x 12

Actually Christmas 2012 Advent Calendar...really didn't like this at all, but got lots of compliments on it.  Small treats or fun activities listed inside each roll.

8 x 10

Switched to origami Advent Calendar this year....going to adapt this next year by using the same envelopes on a twig Advent Tree!


OK, not really a frame, but a chalkboard made so that writing can be framed in the middle.  Polka dots around the edge are imperfect on purpose...they are my daughters' and my fingerprints.  Made this for my husband who is doing 52 charity events in 2014 (mostly runs).  He writes the event number and date in the middle each time.  Check out his facebook page at

Frames I've made for friends...
This was made to match a name canvas for Baby's Room.

I've really got to learn how to get better pictures!!

More Canvases

Names & Initials


A Little Bit of Furniture.... Kids' furniture is the best!  
Little Girl's Owl Chair - Ribbon on back and around spindles on bottom

This is still in progress - gotta add some polka-dot flair and ribbon trim

The first piece of kids' furniture I did....need to find a better picture.  Sold with matching chairs by the DIGS organization.  If you've never heard of them, check them out...a wonderful organization.

I love buckets!!

Small Halloween Treat Buckets....
Frank is my fav!  I made several of these & each was a little different.  That's what makes painting so much fun....adding the funky little details!

Medium Halloween Treat Bucket...

Easter is coming!  Can't wait to get some Easter buckets done!  Check back!!